I’m Baaaaack!


Hellllllo everyone! I must apologize for my long absence from the blog. I have been pretty busy these last couple months and I’ve shamefully neglected to write. Anyway, let me fill you all in on what’s been going on with me. At the beginning of July, I applied for and was offered an incredible internship at a tech B2b marketing/pr/ad agency in Portland called McClenahan Bruer (McBru for short). My time at McBru has been so great. I learn something new every day and it has been awesome getting to know the incredibly smart/funny/kind team of McBruvians. I’ve been working on several different client accounts, doing everything from social media to advertising reporting.

This past week I received some great news and was actually offered a position as account coordinator starting in October. I can’t wait for my transition from summer intern to salaried employee at such a cutting edge agency. Other than workin’ away at McBru, my summer was full of sun, friends and BBQs. Not too shabby. As I transition into the cozy season of fall, I promise I’ll devote more time to cuddling up and blogging. Next week I’ll share what I’ve learned at my first, post-grad internship and give you some of my tips to make you stand out and get the job you want.